Diabetes: Medications, Life Styles, Stress and Management-Review

Abstract Type 2 diabetes mellitus is increasingly common, primarily because of increase in the prevalence of a sedentary lifestyle and…

Single RP-HPLC Method for the Quantification of Candesartan and Hydrochlorothiazide in Formulations

Abstract Objectives: To develop a single RP-HPLC method for determination of candesartan and hydrochlorothiazide in formulation.Methods: Chromatographic separation was achieved…

The Nutrient Value of Breastmilk and Some Infant Formulae

Abstract Eight infant formulae and breast milk sample were analysed to evaluate their nutritive compositional properties. The highest moisture content…

Analysis of Medical Prescription:Prescriber’s Adherence to the Basic Principles of Prescription order writing

Abstract Medical prescription is a medico-legal document. All prescription order should be legible, unambiguous, dated and signed clearly for optimal…

Rijndael Secure System

Abstract This application provides security at file content level. It uses Cryptosystems which are highly technical systems that provide privacy…

Optimization of Feeding Rate of Juvenile Common Carp, (Cyprinus Carpio L.), During Short Intensive Rearing Under Controlled Conditions

Abstract The aim of this experiment was to determine the optimum feeding dose for juvenile common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)…

PCR Amplification of Mitochondrial Cytochrome B Gene of Animals in Malaysia

Abstract The aim of this study is to acquiring basic data for identifying blood meal species of vector arthropods in…

Synthesis Photoluminescence Studies of Y2O3 Phosphor Doped with TB,EU AND GD

Abstract Present paper reports the synthesis and characterization of Tb, Eu and Gd activated Y2O3 phosphor. This phosphor was prepared…

Review Article: Cellulases, Their Substrates, Activity and Assay Methods

Abstract At present, the problems of energy and environment have been a large obstacle for the development of human civilization.…

Receptivity of the Rabbit Doe: Which Methods that could be Predictive for Receptivity

Abstract The aim of this study was to exam sexual receptivity in rabbit does at the day of artificial insemination…

Immunomodulatory Activity of Ethanol Extract of Telfairia Occidentalis in Wistar Albino Rats

Abstract The immune system is a biological structure and processes within an organism that protect against diseases. To function properly…

Myocardial Infarction, Associated Risks and Possible Preventive Measures

Abstract Ischemic heart disease is a deficiency in the blood supply to the heart muscle which can be caused by…

An Optimised Recovery of Mitragynine from Mitragyna Speciosa using Freeze Drying and Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction Method

Abstract Mitragynine isolated from Mitragynaspeciosa, has been a subject of interest of late due to its analgesic properties and potential…

Isolation and Characterization of Bacteria Associated with Spoilt Irish Potato (Solanum Tuberosum)

Abstract Irish potato is an edible tuber from the Solanum tuberosum plant, which is actually native to South America, not…

Optimal two Stage open Shop Scheduling in which Processing Time, Set Up Time Associated with their Respective Probabilities

Abstract The present paper is an attempt through heuristic method to obtain the optimal sequence for n jobs two stage…

Novel RP-HPLC Method for the Determination of Diltiazem in Pharmaceutical Drug Products

Abstract Diltiazem is in a group of drugs called calcium channel blockers belongs to a non-dihydropyridine (non-DHP class of compounds.…

Identification of Aphrodisiac, Anti Oxidant Activity in Angel Brugmansia Root Aqueous Extract.

Abstract  Brugmansia is a genus of seven species of flowering plants in the family Solanaceae. Brugmansia have also traditionally been…

The Nutrient Value of Breastmilk and Some Infant Formulae

Abstract Eight infant formulae and breast milk sample were analysed to evaluate their nutritive compositional properties. The highest moisture content…

Formulation of Glossy Emulsion Paint

Abstract Glossy-emulsion paint was prepared using the formulations: pigment dispersion (20g), PVAc (40g), Glycol (5g), Toluence (3g) and Defoamer (5g).…

Stability Indicating Assay Method for Lansoprazole a Comparative Study by UPLC and HPLC

Abstract Lansoprazole is indicated for treatment of ulcers of the stomach and reflux Zollinger – Ellison’s syndrome, treatment of H.…

Synthesis and Characterization of Some Transition Metal Complexes of Bis(2- Hydroxy-4-Methoxyacetophenone) Ethylenediimine

Abstract Four Schiff-Base complexes of Cu(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and VO(IV) derived from Bis(2-hydroxy-4-methoxyacetophenone) ethylenediimine were synthesized. The Schiff-base (ligand) was…

Morphometric Study of Pharyngeal Orifice of Auditory Tube and its Clinical Relavance

Abstract BackgroundThe Auditory tube (AT) extends from the anterior wall of the middle ear to the lateral wall of the…

A Case Study of Penicillium Marneffei Infection in Cancer Patient from Kanchipuram

Abstract Penicillium marneffei is an opportunistic dimorphic fungus causing infection in both immunocompetent and immunocompromisedpatients. P. marneffei infection has been…

Phytochemical Screening and Antibacterial Activity of the Rhizomes of Alpinia Conchigera

Abstract Different plant parts like dried leaves, pseudostems and rhizomes of Alpinia conchigera Griff. posses potential medicinal value. In this…

Hydro-Chemical Parameters of Ground Water around Lime Mines in Pidiuguralla. Guntur District, Andrapradesh.

Abstract Present study deals with the consequents of effluents from lime industries on ground water quality of Pidiuguralla. Guntur, District,…

Relationship between Patients Showing Multiple Lymphadenopathy and Hiv Infection in Onitsha Metropolis, Anambra State, Nigeria.

Abstract Four hundred and seventy eight (478) individuals who exhibited some manifestations of chronic and debilitating illness includingpersistent cough, skin…

Efficacy of Selected Seed Oils against the Fecundity of Callosobbruchus Maculatus(F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)

Abstract Efficacy of admixing traditionally extracted oils from five different plants to two varieties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. WaIp)seeds;…

A Novel RP-HPLC Method for the Quantification of Roflumilast in Formulations

Abstract simple, precise and accurate RP-HPLC method was developed and validated for rapid assay of Roflumilast tablet dosage form. Isocratic…

Development of A Dual Target Rapid Diagnostic Dot-Elisa System for Identification of Cobra and Viper Snake Venom Antigenin Snake Bite Cases

Abstract Dot-ELISA test is developed in mice models to identify cobra and viper snake species in snake bite cases. Simplicity…

Estimation of Major Pigment Content in Seaweeds Collected from Pondicherry Coast

Abstract The importance of marine algae as sources of natural pigments has been well recognized due to their valuable beneficial…

Fixed Point Theorem in Fuzzy Metric Space by Using Occasionally Weakly Compatible Maps

Abstract In this paper we have generalized the result of Kamel Wadhwa and Hariom Dubey [1] by using Occasionally Weakly…

Relationship between Haematological Values White Blood Cell (Wbc), Cd4 and Hiv Infection in Individuals not yet on Anti-Retroviral in Onitsha Metropolis, Anambra State, Nigeria.

Abstract Four hundred and seventy eight (478) individuals, who exhibited some manifestations of chronic and debilitating illnesses including persistent cough,…

Kinetic and Mechanistic Study of Oxidation of 2-Methyl-1-Butanol by Tripropylammonium Fluorochromate

Abstract The Kinetics of oxidation of 2-methyl-1-butanol by tripropylammonium fluorochromate {TPAFC} has been StudiedSpectrophotometrically in presence of Sulphuric acid in…

Following the Trails of the Mother: Migration and Reproductive Health Nexus A Case Study of Female Porter in Accra.

Abstract The study presents the working and living conditions that female migrants who migrate from the north to the southern…

Integrated Ground and Airborne Sampling Methods for Modelling the Change of Moisture Content Value in Agricultural Lands

Abstract The conventional sampling methods are no longer capable of satisfying the rapidly growing demand toward data and information. There…

Experimental Verification of Coulomb’s Law in Magnetism using the Concept of Static Friction

Abstract We have designed an experiment to verify the Coulomb’s law of magnetic monopole attraction using the concept of static…

The Effect of Agroclimatic Factors on Cash Crops Production in Nigeria

Abstract This study examined the effects of agroclimatic factors on the yield of cash crops in Nigeria and other variables…

The Utilization and Benefits of Salaah (Muslim Prayer) as a Means of Functional Rehabilitation and Low-Intensity Physical Activity

Abstract Muslim prayer (Salaah) can be classified as a low-intensity physical activity that induces relaxation, minimal stress, effective blood flow…

Preparation and Characterization of Polystyrene (Pst) and Poly Vinyl Chloride (Pvc) Alloys.

Abstract Alloys of polystyrene (PST) and poly (vinyl Chloride) (PVC) were prepared by solvent casting techniques. These results were interpreted…

A Comparative Analysis of Water and Sanitation Practices in Project and Non-Project Villages of Rajasthan State, India

Abstract Water & Sanitation scenario in Rajasthan state of India is quite alarming. This state can be improved with joint…

Epidemiological Study of Buruli Ulcer in Côte D’ivoire Conducted in three Centers

Abstract Buruli ulcer (Bu) is a human skin infection caused by mycobacteria present in the environment called Mycobacterium ulcerans. Every…

Simple Spectrophotometric Method Development of Moxifloxacin in Pure Form and in Dosage Form

Abstract Aliquots  of  standard  drug  solution  representing  200-800μg /ml  of  MXF  ,ferric chloride  were  added  successfully  to  a  series  of…

Role of Cigarette Smoking on Lipid Peroxidation and Antioxidant Parameters in Iron Deficiency Anemic Individuals

Abstract BackgroundCigarette smoking is a public health problem throughout the globe. Smoking is known to affect hemoglobin levels. Stress caused…

Novel Drug Delivery Technologies-A Changing and Challenging Global Scenario

Abstract The development of novel drug delivery techniques has got its own specific challenges. The selection of the route of…

Experimental Approach to a Lake Ecosystem Assessment in the Great Lota, Turkey

Abstract Experimentally selected from the benthic communities the cells of diatoms at one station of the karstic Great LotaLake were…

Preparation and Characterization of Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) (Pmma) and Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (Pvc) Alloys.

Abstract Alloys of Poly (Methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and Poly (vinyl Chloride) (PVC) were prepared by solvent casting techniques. Physiochemical characteristics…

Alteration in Water Quality Parameters and Consequential Impacts due to Festival Waste in Jodhpur

Abstract Contamination of water-bodies is a major concern in today’s era. The biological wealth of a water body is mainly…

New Oscillation Criteria for Second Order Half-Linear Neutral Type Difference Equation With Distributed Deviating Arguments

Abstract In this paper, we will study the oscillatory properties of the second order half-linear differenceequationwith distributed deviating arguments. We…

Physical Activity During the Month of Ramadaan Fasting

Abstract The month of Ramadaan incorporates the fasting of Muslims for approximately 12-18 hours of the day. Because it’s a…

Optimization of Cultural Conditions for the Over Production of Alkaline Protease from a Mutant Bacillus Licheniformis Bl8

Abstract Various factors influencing the alkaline protease production by mutant Bacillus licheniformis Bl8 were studied. The production was maximum when…

Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activities of the 4-Chloro-N’-(4- Methoxybenzylidene)-Benzohydrazide Schiff Base Promoted by Metal(Ii) Ions

Abstract Metal complexes of novel Schiff base (HL) ligand, prepared via condensation of 4-chlorobenzohydrazide and 4-methoxybenzaldehyde, are synthesized. The ligand…

Natural Products from Plant, Microbial and Marine Species

Abstract Natural products are quite complex constituents and falls in the category of alkaloids, terpenoids, carotenoids etc are yielded from…

DNA Profiling Using Polymorphic Autosomal DNA Loci Pv92 in a Dravidian Population and Evaluation of Hardy Weinberg Law

Abstract The study was made on the DNA profiling using polymorphic autosomal DNA loci, Alu PV 92 in a Dravidian…

Blood Meal Identification of Field Collected on-Host Ticks Surrounding Two Human Settlements in Malaysia

Abstract The objective of this study is to apply a rapid method for molecular blood meal identification of on- host…

Histomorphology of Seminal Vesicle in Persian Sturgeon (Acipenser Persicus)

Abstract Sturgeon is the most valuable fish species. The major sturgeon species have now been classified as “critically endangered” by…

Sustainable Development in Energy Sector Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation- Need of an Hour

Abstract Energy is a crucial input required for economic and social development. It is a vital ingredient to ensure the…

Market Research and Recommendation on Packaging and Labeling of Various OTC (Over The Counter) Drugs Available in Bangladesh

Abstract The aim of present study was to find out whether or not the pharmaceutical companies of Bangladesh are providing…

Variation in Bioactive Compounds in Different Plant Parts of Lemon Basil (Ocimum Basilicum Var Citriodorum)

Abstract Basil is a rich source of dietary antioxidants. Present study was conducted to study variation in bioactive compounds in…

Comparison of Fastness Properties and Colour Strength of Dyed Cotton Fabrics with Eco-Friendly Natural Dyes

Abstract Bleached cotton fabric was dyed with natural dyes obtained from the flower of Spathodeacampanulata and Cordia sebestena. The colour…

In Vitro Thrombolytic and Anti-Oxidant Activity Study of Abroma Augusta (Ulatkambal)

Abstract Antioxidants lavishly present in many natural source attributed their capability of slowing or preventing the oxidation of other molecules,…

Insecticidal Effects of Neem (Azadirachta Indica A. Juss) Oils Obtained from Neem Berries Stored at Different Periods

Abstract Among the studied botanicals worldwide neem tree is proved to be the richest in active compounds and one of…

Detection of Orientia Tsutsugamushi in Chiggers and Tissues of Small Mammals Using Polymerase Chain Reactions

Abstract This study is to detect the presence of Orientia tsutsugamushi in chiggers and host target organs of scrub typhus…

Evaluation of Post Thawed Semen Motility of Holstein Bulls by Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis (CASA)

Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of thawed semen of Holstein bull by computer assisted…

Lattice Points on the Homogeneous Cone X2 Y2 40Z2

Abstract The ternary quadratic homogeneous equation representing homogeneous cone given by 2 2 2 X + Y = 40Z is…

Pharmacuetical Drug Products Approval Procedure in Australia

Abstract This article is written only for the educational purposes. The objective of this article is to guide the industry…

Relative Components of Neem Berry and Biocidal Effects of Kernel Extracts Against The Adult of Agonoscelis Pubescens (Thunb.)

Abstract Neem (Azadirachta indica) seed extracts proved potent insecticidal effects against various pests in Sudan. In the course of studyingneem…

Balancing Two-Way Unbalanced Data with Replication

Abstract Mean Substitution, Regression Estimation, Expectation Maximization and Multiple Imputation techniques were considered for imputing missing data in two-way design…

A Moderate Histogram Equalization Method for Image Enhancement

Abstract The traditional histogram equalization and most of its variants usually suffer from different artifacts such as washed out appearance,…

Effects of Processing Methods on the Nutritional Quality of ‘Dawadawan Botso’ (A Condiment) Produced from Cassia Sieberiana Seeds

Abstract The effects of processing methods on the nutritional quality of dawadawan botso (DDB) produced from the seeds of Cassia…

Effect of Proviron (Mesterolone) on the Performance of broiler Chickens

Abstract This study was conducted to investigate the effect of Proviron on the performance of broiler chicken, using Anak broiler.…

Evaluation of Field Capacity of Municipal Refuse Dumpsite (A Case Study of University of Maiduguri Dumpsite)

Abstract This paper presents the results of an evaluation of Field Capacity of municipal solid waste at the University of…

Fatty Acids Profiles of Red Seaweed, Gracilaria Manilaensis

Abstract Seaweed was known to have good fatty acids content. Fatty acids are the densest dietary source of energy and…

Critical Analysis of the Palestinian Society; Social Structure and Democracy

Abstract This article tackles the social and cultural structure of the palestinian society, It aims to provide a conceptual and…

Possible Treatment of HIV Virus Using Recombinant Monoclonal Antibodies: An Effective Tool against Infectious HIV

Abstract Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is an immune disease caused by Human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV). Statisticaldata from World Health…

Assessment of Fatty Acid Profile of Avocado Pear (Persea Americana) obtained from Nsukka Area of Enugu State, Nigeria.

Abstract The cholesterol and fatty acid assessment of Avocado pear were carried out. Avocado pear was locally sourced from Nsukka,…

Development and Validation of Isoniazid and Paraamino Salicylic Acid Simultaneously in Prepared Cocrystal Formulation By UV Spectrophotometry

Abstract Isoniazid (INH) and Paraamino salicylic acid (PAS) are antitubercular drugs. Three simple, sensitive, precise and economical simultaneous UV spectrophotometric…

Applications of Differential Subordination to Certain Subclasses of Meromorphically Univalent Functions with Differential Operator

Abstract By making use of the principle of differential subordination, we investigate several subordination and convolution properties of certain sub…

Trust: A Substantial Cause to Organizational success

Abstract Trust as a phenomenon is very abstract. Trust can be examined at deferent levels.Trust is the consequence orpositive impressions…

Gamma Modules with Gamma Rings of Gamma Endomorphisms

Abstract In this paper, we study gamma rings of gamma endomorphism by setting gamma modules. Some properties of these gamma…

Who Are We

Abstract The greatest achievement in our life, is understanding how we lived the past, strengthenng pour present and being enthusiastic…

Evaluation of Post Thawed Semen Motility of Holstein Bulls by Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis (Casa)

Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of thawed semen of Holstein bull by computer assisted…