In high pressure metal hydro-forming fluid pressure commonly exceeds 20000 Psi/1379 bar. This high intensity of pressure cannot be achieved by a pump directly. It can be provided by introducing a hydraulic pressure intensifier (HPI) between pump and the machine. In this project a pressure intensifying machine has been designed and constructed. Such a machine is constructed mechanically by connecting two pistons each working in a separate cylinder of different diameters. The design of the pressure intensifier is based on diameter ratio of piston 2.5 and maximum pressure at inlet allowed to 5bar. Maximum input and out pressure has been controlled by a one way spring loaded non- returnable valve. This device was designed for intensifying the hydrostatic pressure equivalent to height of three-storied building. But its performance was tested by using a 0.85 Hp centrifugal pump by regulating its discharge through a by-pass line and input water pressure to the intensifier was varied. In performance test it was observed that maximum water pressure at outlet is 11.2 bar for the input pressure of 2.5 bar. Maximum intensify pressure had found 4.93 times of the input pressure and efficiency achieved is 78.88 %.
The Experiment 2014
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Article Subject:
Pressure Intensifier, Metal Hydro-forming, Hydrostatic Pressure, Centrifugal Pump