
Diabetes mellitus is a state of chronic hyperglycemia whose global prevalence is constantly increasing, particularly in Côte d’Ivoire. Currently available drugs encountered more difficulties due to its adverse effect. In other to find lasting solution to this problem, an experimental study was undertaken with the extracts of Vitellaria paradoxa plant to evaluate its antidiabetic activity. Extraction method of bark of plant has enabled us prepare 250 mg/kg/body weight (bw) for both the crude aqueous extract (ETA) and the hydro-ethanolic extract (EHE). For hypoglycemic activity , oral injection of extract into each lots of normoglycemic rabbits (15 in number) was used to select the most active extract, which was selected to evaluate the antihyperglycemic activity of extract with doses of 80, 400 and 800 mg/kg/bw given orally to rabbits in state of temporary hyperglycemia. The results obtained from these two plant extracts in normoglycemic rabbits showed hypoglycemic effect of ETA and EHA of – 3.57 % and – 15.91 % respectively after 2 hours of treatment. EHE being more active also showed a more antihyperglycemic activity from T30 to T90. This activity increases with increasing doses, with a concentration of 800 mg/kg/bw, blood glucose level decreased from 60.87 % to 3.26 % to be stabilized to normal blood sugar level. In conclusion of these two extracts, hydro- ethanolic extract is the most active. This extract has a double activity hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic.


The Experiment 2014

Article Subject:



Antihyperglycemic activity, diabetes, Normoglycemic, Vitellaria paradoxa

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55.F. A. Coulibaly et al, The Experiment, 2014, Vol.24 (3)1673-1682