The aim of this study was to compare local Iranian cultivar with cultivars took from ICARDA centre to identify its efficiency and possibility of its cultivation in semiarid and arid conditions of Iran. This study was conducted in 2009-2011 in Varamin agriculture research station. The experiments were conducted as split plot design in completely random block in 3 replications. In each replication there were 30 experiment plots and every plot (10 m2 each one) has 5 cultivation lines with 2 m length and the seeds were randomly cultivated with 20 cm distance from each other (10 bushes in m2) and in 5 cm depth.The plots include 4 levels of irrigation cutting which include:in the flowering, podding and seed formation stage, and normal irrigation. The subplots include 5 cultivars of Mung Beaninclude:Gohar(local cultivar as a control), Partoo, NM-94, C-1-6-16 and C-1973A.In 2010 the obtained dates were lower than in
2009, which could be explained by climatic conditions. Proline accumulation in Partoo cultivar (equal 7.34 mg/g) was considered as a resistant cultivar to irrigation cutting rather than other cultivars. The mean density of Proline in leaf in all cultivars changes remarkably.The result of research shows that Partoo cultivar with high density of chlorophyll(0.39 mg/g)is more resistant to irrigation cutting.The relative density of water of leaf in Partoo and NM-94 cultivars (with 83.37 and 73.41 mg/g)is more. Also, among Mung bean cultivars the most Protein density of seed is related to Partoo cultivar (about 29.17 mg/g) that shows more resistance to the irrigation cutting.
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Mung Bean, Physiological characteristics, Water deficit stress