Drought has drasticeffectson performance of plants. With deficient moisture availability normal
physiology and chemistry of the plants is disturbed. To evaluate the performance of maize genotypes
against drought stress current study was planned. Total 34 maize accessions were evaluated at different
moisture levels i.e. 70%(T1), 50%(T2) and 30%(T3) of field capacity (FC). Seeds were sown in
polythene bags by following triplicated CRD (two factor factorial). Evaluation of maize accessions was
made against 10 different parameters related to early growth stages (fresh root weight, fresh shoot
weight, dry root weight, dry shoot weight, root length, shoot length, stomata size, leaf temperature, root
density and relative water contents). Results were analyzed by using CRD two factor factorial analysis
of variance, principal component analysis and biplot analysis for selection of tolerant genotypes.
Highly significant differences among accessions for all the characters were found under water deficit
stress conditions. A considerable reduction in almost all parameters was revealed under drought stress.
First three, out of nine, principle factors showed more than 1 eigen value under all of three water
treatments. First two factors (F1 & F2) contributed 78.01%, 72.54% and 69.24% cumulative variability in T1, T2 and T3 respectively. Dry root weight, dry shoot weight, fresh root weight and length and fresh shoot weight and length were proved the most effective selection indicators against drought stress at early growth stage. EV-329, EV-342, Islamabad, F-151, F-134 at 70%FC, EV-329, Islamabad, F-151, B-316, B-316 at 50%FC, Islamabad, F-151, EV-342, EV-329, B-304 at 30%FC were better performer and relatively were tolerant to water deficit.
The Experiment 2014
Article Category:
Article Subject:
Maize, Drought, morphology, physiology, principle component analysis