Aquatic ecosystems are the ultimate descend of natural and anthropogenic inputs of contaminants into the environment. Many of the environmental pollutant especially pesticides enter into aquatic ecosystem through agricultural run off and ultimately affects the different non target aquatic animals like bivalves, crustaceans, molluscs, prawn and fish, which are of great economics important to humans. Herbicides are a known class of chemicals used to treat weeds, one of the known chemical Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl (PE) is a group of sulfonylurea which is widely used in today’s world. Among the sulfonylurea herbicides, pyrazosulfuron ethyl received the most attention because there is limited information available on the fate of pyrazosulfuron ethyl in the environment. Blood hematological and serum biochemistry parameters are often used to assess the health status and as stress indicator in fish. The present study was carried out the impact of sublethal toxicity of herbicide pyrazosulfuron ethyl on haematological and biochemical parameter on freshwater fish Oreochromis mossambicus. The fishes were treated with PE During the sublethal treatment (7d,14d) study estimation of hemoglobin(Hb),hematocrit(Hct),erythrocyte count(RBC), mean cellular volume(MCV),mean cellular hemoglobin(MCH), mean cellular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC),and total leucocytes count(WBC) Where as the biochemical profile plasma glucose, total serum protein, albumin, globulin, urea, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen measured. In the present study, the herbicide PE caused the alterations on haematological as well as biochemical parameter of O.mossambicus and these alterations can be used as non specific biomarkers in pesticide contaminated aquatic ecosystem.
The Experiment 2014
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Pyrazosulfuron ethyl, Haemetology, Blood biochemistry, Sub acute