
The effect of air pollution on soil contamination and anatomical features of date palm leaves (stomatal density and length of stomatal pore) was reported. The soil and leaves of date palm plants from industrial zone of Sfax (Tunisia) or rural area were analyzed. In fact, soil and date palm leaves from the industrial area showed relatively higher levels of several toxic elements such as fluoride, lead and cadmium. Besides, leaves of plants from the polluted site showed a decrease in stomata size and an increase in their density. These anatomical symptoms denoting a plant response to trace metal element toxicity suggests that date palm plants are suitable species for green belts given that their resistance and adaptation to pollutions in megacities.


The Experiment 2018

Article Subject:



Air pollution, fluoride, trace metal elements, stomata, date palm plants

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Mohamed Zouari et al, The Experiment, 2018, Vol 46 (1), 2611-2617