Archive Post
Synthesis Photoluminescence Studies of Y2O3 Phosphor Doped with TB,EU AND GD
Abstract Present paper reports the synthesis and characterization of Tb, Eu and Gd activated Y2O3…
Experimental Verification of Coulomb’s Law in Magnetism using the Concept of Static Friction
Abstract We have designed an experiment to verify the Coulomb’s law of magnetic monopole attraction…
A Moderate Histogram Equalization Method for Image Enhancement
Abstract The traditional histogram equalization and most of its variants usually suffer from different artifacts…
Evaluation of Field Capacity of Municipal Refuse Dumpsite (A Case Study of University of Maiduguri Dumpsite)
Abstract This paper presents the results of an evaluation of Field Capacity of municipal solid…
Tuning of Production Systems
Abstract Tuning can often be used to achieve substantial performance improvements. However, tuning is often…
Thermal properties of X-ray study of Bi metal Nanopowders Prepared by Mechanical Milling
Abstract Bismuth metal nanopowders have been prepared by a Retsch Planetary PM 100-ball mill. The…
Recent Advances of organic light emitting diod (O-LED)
Abstract Organic light-emitting diode (OLEDs) displays are a promising new display technology that possesses advantages…
Progressive Addition Lenses Measured with a Twyman Green Interferometer and An Auto-Focimeter (Tomey Tl-100) and the Correlation of the Two Methods
Abstract ObjectiveEvaluate and measure accurately the dioptric power of progressive addition ophthalmic lenses at specific…