
Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) is a popular vegetable crop in northern Sudan and many other parts of the country as well. The crop sustains different insect fauna which serve to attract numerous predators. Although, insecticides application is the sole measure of control practiced in many areas, it is not widely used in Northern Sudan. This seems to enrich the natural bio-agents in that area. Therefore, this research was aimed to survey the main predators associated with okra crop and to study their seasonal abundance at El- Gorair scheme in Northern State, as a step forward to evaluate the potential natural enemies in the area. The importance of this area emerged from the establishment of Merowe dam which expected to expand the irrigated land in the region. A total of 14 predatory species, in seven families, including members of coccinellids, chrysopids, syrphids, mantids and spiders were detected at variable levels, attacking mainly Bemisia tabaci and Aphis gossypii besides other soft insects. Chrysopids and spiders were the dominant predators in autumn and summer seasons, whereas syrphids, chrysopids and coccinellids were the abundant groups during winter. However, Chrysoperla carnea was the most prevalent species in okra fields all the year round. These predators, particularly the latter species, should be stressed so as to encourage ecological means of pest control, and to minimize the need for
chemical application on okra and other vegetable crops.


The Experiment 2012

Article Subject:



Okra, predators, seasonal abundance, chrysopids, coccinellids, Northern Sudan

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Abdalla A. Satti et al, The Experiment, December .2012 Vol.4 (4), 271-276