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Relationship between Patients Showing Multiple Lymphadenopathy and Hiv Infection in Onitsha Metropolis, Anambra State, Nigeria.

Abstract Four hundred and seventy eight (478) individuals who exhibited some manifestations of chronic and…

Efficacy of Selected Seed Oils against the Fecundity of Callosobbruchus Maculatus(F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)

Abstract Efficacy of admixing traditionally extracted oils from five different plants to two varieties of…

Alteration in Water Quality Parameters and Consequential Impacts due to Festival Waste in Jodhpur

Abstract Contamination of water-bodies is a major concern in today’s era. The biological wealth of…

Blood Meal Identification of Field Collected on-Host Ticks Surrounding Two Human Settlements in Malaysia

Abstract The objective of this study is to apply a rapid method for molecular blood…

A Study on Home-Based Rehabilitation of Severely Malnourished Children

Abstract To evaluate the feasibility and outcome of home-based rehabilitation on severely malnourished children.Thirty two…

Microbiological and Nutrional Quality of Dried Okra Sold in Abidjan Markets

Abstract A nutritional and microbiological study was made on okra, an important food consumed in…

Effect of Radiation in Combined Method as A Hurdle in Development of Shelf Stable Intermediate Moisture Pineapple (Ananas Comosus)

Abstract Development of safe, shelf stable foods are necessary to reduce dependence on refrigeration during…

Bioethanol Fermentation of Cheese Whey Powder (CWP) Solution using Unexplored Strain of Kluyveromyces Marxianus Cct 7585

Abstract Cheese whey is a concern in biological valorization of cheese manufacturing waste due to…

Influence of Culture Media and Light Regimes on the Growth of Helminthosporium Fulvum

Abstract The effects of different culture media and light regimes on the growth of H.…

Determination of Heavy Metals in Water Samples using Sodium Sulfide Precipitation and Inorganic Coagulation Followed by Faas Detection

Abstract Studies on determination of five heavy metals, i.e. copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr),…