
Salmonella sp was detected on specimens of rodents and bats caught in various localities in Côte d’Ivoire. The samples were made up of stool samples. The bacteria were isolated on selective agar and serotyping was carried out by agglutination technique. The study of antibiotic sensibility of bacteria was carried out by the standard method of diffusion in agar. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of Salmonella in small mammals in Côte d’Ivoire and to characterize these bacteria. The results show that 57 rodents specimens and 53 bats specimens were collected, sampled and analyzed. Two (2) strains of Salmonella with a frequency of 3.5% are isolated at Rattus rattus in Yopougon K17 and Akeoudo. Three (3) strains were isolated at bats species with a frequency of 5.6%, whose two (2) of whichin Lamto station at Epomops franqueti, Hipposideros caffer and one strain in the classified forest of Mabi at Nycteris thebaica. Two (2) differents serotypes are detected, including Salmonella Mikawasima at Epomops franqueti and Salmonella Bochum at Hipposideros caffer. Antibiotic resistance was 50% to Amoxicillin; 16.67% to Tetracyclin for rodent strains, whereas those isolated from bats were 100% sensitive to all molecules.


The Experiment 2019

Article Subject:



Salmonella, rodents, bats, zoonosis

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KOFFI Kouassi Eugène et al, The Experiment, 2019, Vol 47 (4), 2695-2704