Four hundred and seventy eight (478) individuals, who exhibited some manifestations of chronic and debilitating illnesses including persistent cough, skin cancer and dermatitis, multiple lymph adenitis, diarrhoea and enteritis, genital sore, urethritis, vaginitis and weight loss were examined to establish relationship between human immuno deficiency (HIV) infection and some haematological parameters of WBC and CD4 counts. Haematological values such as white blood cell (WBC) and CD4 counts were evaluated to know the characteristics of the values in HIV positive and negative individuals. Both male and female among HIV negatives (282) recorded higher WBC count of 5149 per mm3 range of 3000-7000 and standard deviation of 5742 while those with HIV positive numbered one hundred and sixty nine (169) with mean WBC count of 2460 per mm3 ranged 1,500-3,500 standard deviation of 662. Mean CD4 counts for both gender in HIV negative was 799.56 lymphocytes/ml whereas HIV positive had 255.2 lymphocytes /ml. Generally, HIV positive individuals showed decreased WBC and CD4 cell counts when compared with the HIV negative individuals.
The Experiment 2013
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Heamatological values, Lymphocytes, CD4, WBC, HIV Positive and negative