
Sturgeon is the most valuable fish species. The major sturgeon species have now been classified as “critically endangered” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Little is known about the role of seminal vesicles beyond their fertility function. It has been suggested repeatedly that seminal vesicles have an impact on sexual activity. Although this has been investigated in various animal models, such a role has never been found. In order to find the structure of seminal vesicle in Persian sturgeon, sampling of seminal vesicle in this fish were carried out. Histological sample were dehydrated by routine methods and embedded in paraffin wax. They were sectioned by microtome and stained with H & E stain. Microscopic analysis of this gland showed a system of secretory tubules lined by a simple squamous to cuboidal epithelium. The cells presented an elongated nucleus with intense basophile condensed chromatin. The lining epithelium of the adjacent secretory tubules laid a basal membrane with a discreet intervening
interstitial tissue, with sparse fibroblasts and blood vessels. The secretory tubules filled with seminal fluid were anastomosed, forming a vesicular collective network, which gave rise to the vesicular ducts. These ducts were lined by a simple cubic epithelium. The epithelial cells showed homogenous cytoplasm with a round nucleus and a visible and generally eccentric nucleolus


The Experiment 2013

Article Subject:



Histomorphology, seminal vesicle, Persian Sturgeon

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Paria Parto, The Experiment, 2013, May, Vol..10. (2), 647-650