
Objective: We evaluated the Antidiabetic activity, CNS activity, Antioxident activity of Methanolic extract of Mimusops elengi.
Materials & Methods: Male white Albino strain rats weighing 250–300 g were used for the experiment. Chemicals and reagents were purchased from local market.
Results: The results of antidiabetic activity, CNS activity and antioxidant activity of Methanolic extract of Mimusops elengi were significantly compared with the standard compounds. The extract show decreasing the blood glucose levels of diabetic induced rats. It shows better resulys on the CNS stimulating activity and DPPH free radical activity.
Conclusion: The result of our study indicates that the Methanolic extract of Mimusops elengi significantly decreased serum glucose level in hyperglycaemic animals. CNS activity, high DPPH free radical antioxident activity. In this context, Mimusops elengi can rightly be mentioned as a plant of considerable interest.


The Experiment 2012

Article Subject:



Mimusops elengi, Methanolic extract, Antidiabetic activity, CNS activity, Antioxident activity

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Madhu Babu Kasimala et al, The Experiment, JULY.2012 Vol.1 (1), 37-42