
Objectives: To determine the incidenceof G6PD deficiencyin new born admittedto IMS &SUM HOSPITAL,Bhubaneswar. An objective of the study was to estimate the incidence of G6PD deficiency among new-bornsand its association with different socio-demographic, clinical and gestational characteristics. Methods Atotal of 191new born blood samples were screened for the quantitative measurement of G6PD activity by enzymatic colorimetric assay by a commercial kit Kinetic Method (G-SIX KIT). Any neonate with a value < 6.4 U/gHb was considered G6PD deficient. Results of the 191new-borns (120males, 71females) screened, 32 neonates were found to have G6PD deficiency (24 males, 8females). The overall incidence of G6PD deficiency was 16.75%. Frequency in male population was 20% (24 out of 120 male neonates) and in female population was 11.26% (8 out of 71 female neonates).


The Experiment 2014

Article Subject:



Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, Haemolytic crisis, Gestational age

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36.M.D Mohanty et al, The Experiment, 2014, Vol.22 (2),1525-1530