
Metal induced dust pollution is concerning issue creating imbalances in environment. Dust pollution originating from Cement industry is relatively less studied in Pakistan. There is no available data regarding metal induced soil pollution status of famous Cement industry located in Bahtar, Taxila. Atomic Absorption Spectrometry was used to estimate amount of metals in soils. Present study was conducted to evaluate concentration of Iron, Nickel and Chromium in soils near dispatch gate of Cement factory. When compared with WHO standards these three metals were found significantly higher in amount. These metals are not only causing pollution but also altering geochemical balance of nutrients. So regular monitoring at small and more intensive scale is recommended for further study.


The Experiment 2017

Article Subject:



Cement dust, Atomic absorption spectrometry, Concentration, ppm

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Syeda Andleeb Zehraet al,TheExperiment,2017.,Vol.41(2),2406-2410