Salinity is a serious problem for producing rice in Satkhira region, south-western district of Bangladesh. This area is occupied by huge number of gher where shrimp farming is very popular. Modern aman rice varieties were evaluated in those gher areas to validate and select the suitable varieties. The experiments were carried out consecutive three Transplanted Aman season (2011, 2012 and 2013) at polder 3-high saline areas, Kaliganj, Satkhira. Three sets of experiments were conducted in different sowing dates using ten varieties/genotypes in all the seasons with three replications. In first season, in gher-1 (high saline), most of the varieties like BRRI dhan44, BRRI dhan47, BRRI dhan52, BRRI dhan53 and BRRI dhan54 produced yield of 4.23 t/ha, 3.31 t/ha, 3.72 t/ha, 3.35 t/ha and 3.29 t/ha, respectively in 1st set and 2nd set was damaged due to high saline and water depth. The highest yielding varieties were BR23, BRRI dhan44 and BRRI dhan52, with yields consistently in the range of 3.9-4.3 t/ha in gher-2 (medium saline). In 2nd season, BRRI dhan52 (4.0 t/ha) produced the highest yield followed by BRRI dhan47 (3.4 t/ha), BRRI dhan28-Saltol and BR8371-4R-2 (2.8 t/ha) and the lowest in BRRI dhan54 & BINA dhan8 (2.3 t/ha). On the other hand, BR23 (3.7 t/ha) produced the highest yield followed by BRRI dhan41 (3.6 t/ha), BRRI dhan44 (3.1 t/ha) and the lowest in BRRI dhan53 and BRRI dhan54 (2.6 t/ha) in the following season. In case of sowing dates, 31 July sowing found better crop establishment and obtained higher yield in compare with 1st and 15 July seeding. Seeding on July 31 will be suitable for polder 3 with longer seedling age (45 days) because relatively older seedling can withstand salinity and submergence. Longer seedling age with tolerant varieties like BR23, BRRI dhan47, BRRI dhan53, BRRI dhan54 and BINA dhan8 are potential varieties for this area to boost up the productivity.
The Experiment 2018
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Aman rice variety, gher, salinity, stress tolerance, time of sowing