Bamboo is a wonderful gift of nature to mankind which is associated with them since ages.This study presented the molecular diversity of 29 accessions of bamboos encountered in North Bengal through the PCR-RFLP technique based on the trnL-trnF region for the first time. The PCR amplification of the trnL-trnF region of chloroplast genome of bamboos using prime pairs Tab C & F, resulted in the production of single band of expected length i.e. 1029 bp compared to molecular marker. The PCR amplicons were subjected to restriction digestion using different restriction endonucleases, namely TaqI, AluI, HinfI, HaeIII, HpaI and MspI. Only three of them viz. TaqI, AluI, HinfI were successful in digesting the PCR product which resulted in producing 19 bands of which 9 were polymorphic. The percentage of polymorphism was found to be only 47.37%. AluI showed highest polymorphism of 70%. The band size ranged in between 33-1986bp. The PCR-RFLP study showed diversity among the 29 accessions. This was also confirmed by sequencing the PCR amplicons one from each genus. Thus, it can be inferred that PCR-RFLP can be used as a tool for screening the phylogenetics.
The Experiment 2014
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Bamboo, Genetic diversity, North Bengal, PCR-RFLP, trnL-trnF region