Objectives: The present experiments were undertaken to study the protective effect of withania coagulans(Wc)(family: Solanaceae) for antinociceptive activity by hot plate test in mice.
Material and Methods: A methanol/ water (80:20) extract of roots parts of withania coagulans was investigated for antinociceptive activity by hot plate test in mice.
Results: Results of the present study showed that the aqueous methanolic extract of roots parts of withania coagulans produced a statistically significant increase in pain threshold after 30 min of i.p. injection of extract, in comparison with the control groups, at adose of 50 and doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg(P<0.001) respectibility. The activity was comparable to that of morphine (30 mg/kg i.p., p>0.05). The anti-nociceptive activity of withania coagulans increased until the 60th min (P<0.05 compared to morphine).
Conclusions: The results of this study support the extensive use of withania coagulans in Western Asia and America. The LD50 of extract following a 14 days acute toxicity study were calculated to be about 400 mg kg-1 i.p.
The Experiment 2014
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Article Subject:
Antinociception, withania coagulans, Hot plate method, aqueous methanolic extract