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Optimal two Stage open Shop Scheduling in which Processing Time, Set Up Time Associated with their Respective Probabilities

Abstract The present paper is an attempt through heuristic method to obtain the optimal sequence…

Fixed Point Theorem in Fuzzy Metric Space by Using Occasionally Weakly Compatible Maps

Abstract In this paper we have generalized the result of Kamel Wadhwa and Hariom Dubey…

New Oscillation Criteria for Second Order Half-Linear Neutral Type Difference Equation With Distributed Deviating Arguments

Abstract In this paper, we will study the oscillatory properties of the second order half-linear…

Lattice Points on the Homogeneous Cone X2 Y2 40Z2

Abstract The ternary quadratic homogeneous equation representing homogeneous cone given by 2 2 2 X…

Balancing Two-Way Unbalanced Data with Replication

Abstract Mean Substitution, Regression Estimation, Expectation Maximization and Multiple Imputation techniques were considered for imputing…

Applications of Differential Subordination to Certain Subclasses of Meromorphically Univalent Functions with Differential Operator

Abstract By making use of the principle of differential subordination, we investigate several subordination and…

On the Cubic Equation with Six Unknowns x3 +y3 + z3 + w3 = 2(P3 + Q3 ) .

Abstract The Cubic Equation x3 + y3 + z3 + w3 = 2(P3 + Q3) is analyzed for its patterns…

Numerical Solution of Boundary Layer MHD Flow with Viscous Dissipation

Abstract The present paper deals with a steady two-dimensional laminar flow of a viscous incompressible…

Nonparametric Control Charts for Variability using Runs Rules

Abstract In this paper, two Shewhart-type nonparametric control charts based on runs rules are developed…

The Product Span of a Finite Subset of a Completely Bounded Artex Space Over a Bi-Monoid

Abstract The product of subsets of an Artex space over a bi-monoid is defined.   Product…