Gastric ulcer is the most prevalent gastrointestinal disorder and has been a major health problem. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely used drugs for different indications with association of gastrointestinal (GI) adverse events. The current work was designed to evaluate the histopathological effects of, K+ATP channel blocker, glibenclamide, and silibinin on acute gastric injury induced by administration of indomethacin in the rat. The animals were allocated in six groups, Group 1: animals received normal saline, and served as negative control, Group 2: animals received single dose of 40mg/kg indomethacin, and this group served as positive control, Group 3: animals received single dose of 18mg/kg glibenclamid, Group 4: animals received single dose of 250mg/kg silibilin, Group 5: animals received 2.5 ml olive oil one hour before single dose of 40mg/kg indomethacin, and Group 6: animals received single dose of 250 mg/kg silibilin one hour before single dose of 40mg/kg indomethacin. Sections of stomachs were examined by light microscope at 100 and 400 × magnification. Glibenclamide show a mild degree of sloughing in mucosa, while normal architecture was seen after administration of silibinin alone, and a mild superficial gastric mucosal lesion was seen when silibinin was given one hour before indomethacin administration. As conclusion the results indicate that silibinin can to attenuate the gastric lesion induced by indomethacin.
The Experiment 2014
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Gastric ulcer, silibinin, glibenclamide, K+ATP channel