Archive Post
Tuning of Production Systems
Abstract Tuning can often be used to achieve substantial performance improvements. However, tuning is often…
Thermal properties of X-ray study of Bi metal Nanopowders Prepared by Mechanical Milling
Abstract Bismuth metal nanopowders have been prepared by a Retsch Planetary PM 100-ball mill. The…
Evaluation of Surgical Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Tertiary Care Hospital in Jakarta Indonesia
Abstract A cross sectional study was conducted at department of surgery of Dr. Mintohardjo Navy…
Study of Baseline Widal Titre against Salmonella Species amongst Healthy Individuals in Thiruvananthapuram District of Kerala, South India
Abstract Objective: To determine the distribution pattern of agglutinating antibodies to Salmonella enterica serotype typhi,…
Comparative Protein Profiling Study in Wild Chickpea and its Induced Mutants.
Abstract The genus Cicer has 9 annual species and 31 perennial species, of which only…
Molecular phylogeny of North Bengal bamboos inferred through PCR-RFLP based on the trnL-trnF region
Abstract Bamboo is a wonderful gift of nature to mankind which is associated with them…
Antinociceptive Activity of the Aqueous Methanolic Extract of Withania Coagulans in Mice
Abstract Objectives: The present experiments were undertaken to study the protective effect of withania coagulans(Wc)(family:…
Assessment of Prescribers’ Adherence to the Basic Standards of Prescription Order writing in Jimma University Specialized Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia.
Abstract Background: prescribing is the first and foremost component in the process of using drugs.…
Preparation of Uniform-Sized Agarose Beads for Affinity Chromatography Matrix
Abstract Uniform-sized agarose beads were prepared by emulsification technique in this study. Agarose (4% w/v)…