
Millennials or the Millennial Generation are the demographic cohort beginning birth years from the early 1980s to the early 2000s. In this generation, there’s a marked increase in use and familiarity with communication, media, and digital. With the advancement of Internet technology and smartphones, e-commerce is witnessing significant growth in India. A research survey is conducted amongst the millennials to find out the popularity of apparel as a segment of online business and how it could be improved in terms of technology to make it work better. The results showed that customers expect an experience similar to physical ‘touch and feel’, size standardization and virtual trial/fit room and the display as well as description of garment should be such that the user gets similar experience as that of buying from a physical store.


The Experiment 2014

Article Subject:



Millennial, Brick and Mortar, Physical store, Fashionista, Online Shopping, E-Commerce, Apparel

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23.Sudha et al, The Experiment, 2014, Vol. 20(3), 1412-1414