
The cholesterol and fatty acid assessment of Avocado pear were carried out. Avocado pear was locally sourced from Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria. The fruit was homogenized and oil was extracted by soxhlet extraction. The method of analysis involved oxitester analyzer equipment for cholesterol and gas chromatography (GC) for fatty acid. The result revealed that cholesterol was not present but fatty acid was present in the extracted avocado oil. After this analysis, it was also found that avocado pear contained many unsaturated fatty acid that is of health benefits. Examples are mono-unsaturated fatty acid such as oleic acid and poly-unsaturated fatty acid that lowers cholesterol level in the fruit and in the blood. These pharmacological properties made Avocado pear a potential source of cardiovascular drug. This pharmacological property of Avocado pear also shows its health benefits and medicinal values to human health. Avocado pear is a nutritious fruit that is good for human consumption in order to boost cardiovascular health.


The Experiment 2013

Article Subject:



Avocado pear, soxhlet, Cardiovascular health, Pharmacological property and Cholesterol

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Ikeyi Adachukwu P et al, The Experiment, 2013, July, Vol.12. (2), 762-767