The study was made on the DNA profiling using polymorphic autosomal DNA loci, Alu PV 92 in a Dravidian population and the application of Hardy Weinberg Law was evaluated. The population that comprised of different castes. The populations present inter caste marriage and mixing of gene did not occur over several hundred years. In this present study, polymorphic autosomal DNA loci Alu PV 92 to evaluate the genotype of known Dravidian population. PCR was used to amplify a nucleotide sequence from chromosome 16 to look for a short DNA Alu element. Theoretically in some geographically isolated population all individuals may be homozygous (+/+) or the individuals may be homozygous (-/-) while in the melting pot population the three genotypes may exist in equilibrium. In our observation, it was observed that the presence of Homozygocity and Heterozygocity. The absence of evolutionary process like mutatio genetic drift and selection gene frequencies remain constant from generation to generation as they are set to be in Hardy Weinberg law equilibrium.
The Experiment 2013
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Dravidian population, DNA profile, Alu, Hardy Weinberg, Autosomal DNA.