Archive Post

Review Article: Cellulases, Their Substrates, Activity and Assay Methods

Abstract At present, the problems of energy and environment have been a large obstacle for…

Immunomodulatory Activity of Ethanol Extract of Telfairia Occidentalis in Wistar Albino Rats

Abstract The immune system is a biological structure and processes within an organism that protect…

Development of A Dual Target Rapid Diagnostic Dot-Elisa System for Identification of Cobra and Viper Snake Venom Antigenin Snake Bite Cases

Abstract Dot-ELISA test is developed in mice models to identify cobra and viper snake species…

Estimation of Major Pigment Content in Seaweeds Collected from Pondicherry Coast

Abstract The importance of marine algae as sources of natural pigments has been well recognized…

Evaluation of Post Thawed Semen Motility of Holstein Bulls by Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis (CASA)

Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of thawed semen of…

Who Are We

Abstract The greatest achievement in our life, is understanding how we lived the past, strengthenng…

Evaluation of Post Thawed Semen Motility of Holstein Bulls by Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis (Casa)

Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of thawed semen of…

Study of Baseline Widal Titre against Salmonella Species amongst Healthy Individuals in Thiruvananthapuram District of Kerala, South India

Abstract Objective: To determine the distribution pattern of agglutinating antibodies to Salmonella enterica serotype typhi,…

Comparative Protein Profiling Study in Wild Chickpea and its Induced Mutants.

Abstract The genus Cicer has 9 annual species and 31 perennial species, of which only…

Molecular phylogeny of North Bengal bamboos inferred through PCR-RFLP based on the trnL-trnF region

Abstract Bamboo is a wonderful gift of nature to mankind which is associated with them…