Dot-ELISA test is developed in mice models to identify cobra and viper snake species in snake bite cases. Simplicity and cost effective qualities of this test showed great promises to be utilized in the field which can be useful for farmers, plantation workers and fishermanwho are working in field and become victim of snake bite cases. Dot-ELISA test can be an alternative solution to utilize for identification of snake species during the treatment of patient. Study was conducted in Malaysia, so we have considered local snake species commonly found in rain forest of Malaysia. Polyclonal antibodies were generated against Calloselasmarhodostoma and Naja-najasumatrana in mice model. Hyper immune sera was raised against specific snake venom antigen werecollected followed by immunoglobulin (Ig) purification to improve the specificity and sensitivity of the test. Purified IgG were utilized as a primary antibody. This test showedpositive hope for rapid identification of snake species in snake bite cases in future though test needs clinical trial before implementation in human.
The Experiment 2013
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Dot-ELISA, Cobra, viper, snake venom.