Archive Post

Optimization of Feeding Rate of Juvenile Common Carp, (Cyprinus Carpio L.), During Short Intensive Rearing Under Controlled Conditions

Abstract The aim of this experiment was to determine the optimum feeding dose for juvenile…

The Utilization and Benefits of Salaah (Muslim Prayer) as a Means of Functional Rehabilitation and Low-Intensity Physical Activity

Abstract Muslim prayer (Salaah) can be classified as a low-intensity physical activity that induces relaxation,…

Physical Activity During the Month of Ramadaan Fasting

Abstract The month of Ramadaan incorporates the fasting of Muslims for approximately 12-18 hours of…

Critical Analysis of the Palestinian Society; Social Structure and Democracy

Abstract This article tackles the social and cultural structure of the palestinian society, It aims…

Millennials and Apparel E-Commerce: The Online Apparel Shopping Behavior of Millennials

Abstract Millennials or the Millennial Generation are the demographic cohort beginning birth years from the…

Assessment of Firms Specific Factors that Determine Financial Performance of the Nigerian Breweries Sector (2010-2012)

Abstract The study assessed the specific factor that determines the financial performance of the Nigerian…

Inventory of Aquatic Heteroptera in Ponds near the Villages of Six Health Districts, Endemic to Buruli Ulcer in Côte D’ivoire (West Africa)

Abstract Some studies implicate certain aquatic Heteroptera in the transmission to human of Mycobacterium ulcerans.…

Examine the relationships between socio – cultural factors with the tendency of men to participate in family planning

Abstract Family planning as a whole is the main Part of reproductive health and the…

ZTMD Flow Profiles in Sub-Monolayer Film Thickness Regime

Abstract  Lubricant reflow for ZTMD is characterized in the sub-monolayer film thickness regime between 2…

The Childhood diseases and practice of Protection in Malinke’s societies in Cote D’ivoire

Abstract This pilot study in the Malinke describes and analyzes the diseases to which children…