
The adsorbed film structures of perfluoropolyethers (PFPEs) modified with benzene functional group(s)
either on the chain ends or in the middle of the main chain are investigated. Surface energy as a function of PFPE film thickness and of time shows the benzene functional group orients towards the carbon surface (CNx). The re-orientation is kinetically much slower than for hydroxyl end groups for PFPEs having similar main chain compositions. The bonding of the benzene functional group to the underlying CNx surface is significantly weaker than OH functional groups and/or more readily removed by the solvent used to originally deposit the PFPE film onto the carbon surface. Model dimer interactions via ab initio computational chemistry calculations shows a significantly longer closest contact distance for the
benzene/CNx dimer compared to OH/CNx dimer, indicative of the weaker intermolecular interaction.


The Experiment 2017

Article Subject:



Boundary lubricant, Perfluoropolyether, Benzene functional groups, Lubricant bonding, surface energy, Dimer interactions

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R.J Waltman , TheExperiment,2017,Vol42(2),2428-2440