Use of LeptadeniaHastata as a Biomonitor of Heavy Metal Pollution in Dutse

Abstract The leaves of Leptadeniahastatawere tested as a possible biomonitor of heavy metal pollution in Dutse, Jigawa State, Nigeria. Concentrations…

Visual Observation of Entrained (Pick-up) velocity of Sand Particles Part I – low viscous fluid

Abstract Solids transport in oil and gas pipeline is organized under the Terminology of ‘‘flow assurance.’’ Although many industrial challenges…

Simultaneous determination of Amoxicillin trihydrate, Pantoprazole sodium and Clarithromycin in bulk powder and tablet formulation by an isocratic RP-HPLC method

Abstract Sensitive, rapid and precise an isocratic RP-HPLC method was developed and validated for simultaneous determination of Amoxicillin trihydrate (AMO),…

Flow of MHD Thermal Stagnation Point Flow of Micropolar Fluids due to Permeable Stretching Surface

Abstract This article examine the flow of micropolar fluids toward a porous stretching surface. The fluids is electrically conducting and…

The effect of atmospheric aromatic amides on the Ag (I) catalyzed S(IV) autoxidation in aqueous solution

Abstract The kinetics of atmospheric autoxidation of S (IV) by Ag(I) in the pH range 4.02-5.25 has been studied. The…

Synthesis, Spectral, Thermal and Quantum Mechanical Studies on 2-Amino-4-Picolinium 2-Hydroxybenzoate Crystal

Abstract An organic polymorphic crystal of 2-amino-4-picolinium 2-hydroxy-benzoate (APHB) was synthesized by solvent evaporation solution growth technique at room temperature…

Extractive Visible Spectrophotometre Method development and validation for the estimation of Canagliflozin in pharmaceutical formulations

Abstract This work describes the development, validation and stable studies of a new, simple and reliable visible spectroscopy procedure for…

BChE(Butryl cholinesterase) as Biomarker of Occupational Exposure among female cotton workers

Abstract Pesticides commonly sprayed on  cottoncrops,during cotton picking season inhibits BChE activity.  In this study, butyrylcholinesterase level in serum samples…

Contamination of Soils with heavy metals (Fe,Ni And Cr) around cement factory Bahtar, Pakistan

Abstract Metal induced dust pollution is concerning issue creating imbalances in environment. Dust pollution originating from Cement industry is relatively…

ZTMD Flow Profiles in Sub-Monolayer Film Thickness Regime

Abstract  Lubricant reflow for ZTMD is characterized in the sub-monolayer film thickness regime between 2 and 12 Å. The thickness-dependent…

Expression of miR-134-5p with neuronal migration protein doublecortin (DCX) in a mature epileptic animal model

Abstract Epilepsy is a common neuropsychiatric disease with a chronic latent period, manifested in the susceptibility of the organism to…

Boundary Lubricant Film Properties of Z-Tetraol Modified by Benzene Rings

Abstract The adsorbed film structures of perfluoropolyethers (PFPEs) modified with benzene functional group(s)either on the chain ends or in the…

Adsorption of Reactive orange 16 dye onto activated carbon from the stems of Solanum Torvum

Abstract The activated carbon prepared from Solanum Torvumby treating it with H2SO4 was used as an effective adsorbent for the…

Antibacterial activities of Neemleave (Azadirachtaindica) extracts on African mud catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)

Abstract Large-scale settings of aquaculture have resulted in an increased antibiotic resistance in bacteria potentially pathogenic to fish. Hot water…

Canning Quality of New Grain Runner Bean Lines Developed in Kenya

Abstract Canned beans are becoming a major form of dry bean consumption especially in urban areas of East and Central…

The Substituted Diphenyl-1,4-Diazepan-5-One – A New Class of Corrosion Inhibitor on Aluminium in Hydrochloric Acid

Abstract The effect of new class of corrosion inhibitors 1,4-diazepan-5-one viz., t-3-methyl- r-2, c-7-diphenyl-1,4-diazepan-5-one (3MHD), t-3-ethyl-r-2,c-7-diphenyl-1,4 diazepan-5-one (3EHD), and t-3-isopropyl-r-2,c-7-diphenyl-1,4-diazepan-5-one…

Evaluation of indigenous rice germplasm for identification of durable bacterial blight (Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae) resistance sources in Bangladesh

Abstract Bacterial blight disease caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo)is one of the most devastating biotic stresses of rice…

Virulence analysis of Pyricularia grisea on rice monogenic lines detected blast R-gene in Bangladesh

Abstract A total of 139 isolates representing 8 Agro Ecological Zones (AEZs of 1,2,9,11,13,19,23 and 28) of Bangladesh were characterized…

Genetic diversity in some aromatic and nonaromatic maintainer lines based on principal component analyses for hybrid rice (Oryza Sativa L.) breeding

Abstract Genetic diversity of 21 maintainer lines ofrice was studied under rainfed condition through Mahalanobis D2 statistic for grain yield…

Analysis of total suspended solids, total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity of domestic sewage

Abstract The total suspended solids (TSS), total dissolved solids (TDS) and electrical conductivity (EC) of domestic sewage obtained from a…

Removal of crystal violet from aqueous solutions using Arundo donax L. as a cheap adsorbent

Abstract In the present study, Arundo donax L was used as a low-coast biosorbent for the uptake of basic dye…

Effect of row spacing of Rice transplanter on seedling requirement and grain yield

Abstract This study was conducted in the farmer’s field during late boro season (2016) in two villages under Rangpur sadar…