The genus Cicer has 9 annual species and 31 perennial species, of which only one of 9 annuals species is under cultivation- Cicer arietinum. The extremely low level of polymorphism within the cultivated chickpeas species, has been reported by many workers. The available genetic variability in chickpea has been exploited in the conventional plant breeding approaches which narrowed the genetic base for this crop. The wild chickpea and its induced mutants has been used in present study. The seed protein profile by SDS-PAGE were studied in wild chickpea treated with chemical and physical mutagens independently and in combination treatment with respect to the untreated control. The comparison was analyzed on the basis of Jaccard’s similarity coefficient and UPGMA clustering. The polymorphic banding pattern was observed in the present investigation. The range of major band was observed from 7 to 12. 12 major bands were observed in the control treatment while 7 to 11 was observed in the mutants in the M1 and M2 generation. The polypeptide bands of different sizes ranging from 5.83 KDa to120.24KDa in M1 generation while from 4.15 KDa to 119.08 KDa in M2 generation were observed in all the treatments alongwith the untreated control. Genetic distance between all 15 treatments varied from 0.028 to 0.319 and 0.026 to 0.26 as reveled by Jaccard similarity coefficient. The dendrogram obtained on the basis of Jaccard similarity coefficient using UPGMA method represent one parent and 14 mutant into 3 major clusters A, B, C; cluster in M1 generation while cluster ‘A’ consist of 1 parent and 5 mutant, cluster ‘B’ consist of 6 mutant and cluster ‘C’ consist of 3 mutant; cluster ‘C’ showed more diversity from the parent and other mutants in M2 generation diversity decreased in M2 generation in present investigation.
The Experiment 2014
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Wild Chickpea, Jaccards similarity coefficient, UPGMA, Cluster analysis.